measurement from the business directory
Measurement in Melbourne VIC Ph: 0398745777
For every type of Nata Accredited Calibration Services facility, you should visit the applied Measurement company and make your work easy and simple. We have mastery in the applied mechanics so ...
Measurement from the in NY Ph: 124-643-5691 x24665
Measurement from the buildup a question before we go farther than this you have not missed much we are just like her I'm end her no problem yeah how they have just left to the
Body Temperature Measurement With Mask Recognition83 in Adavale QLD Ph: 862013632258026
1. Product Name:Body Temperature Measurement With Mask Recognition
2. Product Description:Body Temperature Measurement With Mask Recognition,Face Recognition Thermometer
3. Price:10.00
4. Product Website: ...
Body Temperature Measurement Camera With Face Recognition70 in Adavale QLD Ph: 8618267169075
1. Product Name:Body Temperature Measurement Camera With Face Recognition
2. Product Description:Face Recognition, multi-target track
3. Price:11.00
4. Product Website: https://www.smarthermcam.c ...
Body Temperature Measurement Camera With Face Recognition31 in Adavale QLD Ph: 8618267169075
1. Product Name:Body Temperature Measurement Camera With Face Recognition
2. Product Description:Face Recognition, multi-target track
3. Price:12.00
4. Product Website: https://www.smarthermcam.c ...
Infrared Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera54 in Adavale QLD Ph: 8618267169075
1. Product Name:Infrared Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera
2. Product Description:Infrared thermal camera for Hospitals and schools use to measure the human body temperature
3. Price:11.00
4. Product Website:
Human Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera18 in Adavale QLD Ph: 8618267169075
1. Product Name:Human Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera
2. Product Description:quick non-contact temperature screening for a group of people automatically alarm and capture the pictures accuracy =3?
3. Price:11.00
4. Product Website:
Human Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera63 in Adavale QLD Ph: 8618267169075
1. Product Name:Human Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera
2. Product Description:quick non-contact temperature screening for a group of people automatically alarm and capture the pictures accuracy =3?
3. Price:12.00
4. Product Website:
Infrared Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera48 in Adavale QLD Ph: 8618267169075
1. Product Name:Infrared Body Temperature Measurement Thermal Camera
2. Product Description:Infrared thermal camera for Hospitals and schools use to measure the human body temperature
3. Price:12.00
4. Product Website:
manufacture in VIC Ph: 0398745777
Introducing Applied Measurement the “intelligent”
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