My greatest
recommend would be big lunchtime, little supper. Carbohydrates before workouts
(like, your food before not Twenty moments before), discover training that day
. . . restrict the carbs. Observe what you eat and I don't believe others here.
Excellent repetitions, low-medium body weight or if you are going to low-rep,
high body weight this, you have to add aerobic. Cardio's going to be a task at
first, but it's one that you can manage, you're young. I tell everyone the
same, when you're on a treadmill device or whatever, it's all about you, ignore
about the thin lady beside you, and the uber-strong guy on the other part of
you. This is about you and your own best, and then improving on your own best.
ABILITIES: In car method, his engine emits vibration that causes mechanical
failures in other vehicles...can rate to 200 mph...uses concussion cannon in
robot method (for identical malfunction leads to other vehicles)