Epsom salt is inseparable from the body

China, Chinangin, VIC 054600

How much do you know about the uses of Epsom salt?

1, suppress convulsion

10% Epsom salt 10ml deep intramuscular injection or slowly instilled in a solution diluted with 5% glucose to 2%~2.5%. At this time Epsom salt can inhibit the central nervous system, relax skeletal muscles, have sedative, antispasmodic and reduce intracranial pressure. It is often used to treat convulsions, eclampsia, uremia, tetanus and hypertensive encephalopathy. However, it should be noted that direct intravenous injection or large-dose intramuscular injection of Epsom salt is very dangerous. Generally, 25% Epsom salt can be used up to 15 ml each time. Pay attention to the patient's breathing and blood pressure when using it. Sluggish knee reflex is an important sign of adequate magnesium ions.

2, pass stool                      

Oral Epsom salt is rarely absorbed in the intestines. Oral Epsom salt has a good catharsis function, so Epsom salt is also called magnesium sulfate. After the oral Epsom salt solution reaches the intestinal cavity, it has a certain osmotic pressure, so that the intestinal water is not absorbed by the intestinal wall. The intestine retains a large amount of water, which can mechanically stimulate the peristalsis of the intestine to defecate. Therefore, Epsom salt can be used to treat constipation and abnormal fermentation in the intestine; when used with an insect repellent, the intestinal worms can be easily discharged. Dissolve 5-20 grams of Epsom salt in 100-400 ml of warm water, orally once in the morning.

3, row stones

Epsom salt can stimulate the duodenal mucosa, reflexively cause the common bile duct sphincter to relax and the gallbladder to contract, thereby promoting the emptying of the gallbladder, and has a beneficial effect on gallbladder. It can be used to treat cholecystitis and cholelithiasis, 2 to 5 grams each time, 3 times a day, orally before meals or between meals.

4. Lower blood pressure

The effect on the cardiovascular system, when administered by injection, excessive magnesium ions can directly expand the peripheral vascular smooth muscle, causing sympathetic ganglion transmission disorders, thereby vasodilation and lowering blood pressure. Intramuscular injection of 1g, 10% solution, 10ml each time; intravenous drip, 1~2.5g once, dilute 10ml of 25% solution with 5% glucose to 1% concentration and slowly inject.

5. Rescue asthma

Epsom salt relaxes the bronchial smooth muscles by inhibiting the uptake of calcium by cells, which helps relieve the symptoms of severe asthma. Drug dosage: 25~40mg/(kgd) (maximum 2g/d), divided into 1~2 times, add 20ml 10% glucose solution slowly intravenous drip (over 20 minutes), use as appropriate for 1~3 days.

6. Treat premature birth

Magnesium ions can directly inhibit uterine smooth muscle and can treat premature delivery. Epsom salt is injected intravenously and instilled, the first 4 grams, dissolve in 20 ml of 25% glucose, slowly inject within 5 minutes, and then use 60 ml of 25% Epsom salt, add 1000 ml of 5% glucose to intravenous drip, 2 grams per hour, Until 2 hours after the contractions stop. However, continuous medication should not be too long. Some studies have shown that "newborns exposed to magnesium for more than 1 week can observe significantly more bone abnormalities compared to newborns exposed to magnesium for only 3 days." This may be due to the fetus Caused by hypermagnesemia and the resulting hypocalcemia.

7, hypomagnesia

Magnesium has many physiological functions similar to potassium. Because the clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency are similar to those of potassium deficiency, magnesium deficiency is often overlooked. When the symptoms of potassium deficiency are not improved after potassium supplementation, the possibility of magnesium deficiency should be considered first, so that hypomagnesemia can be corrected in time. Therefore, patients with long-term infusion should pay attention to magnesium supplementation while supplementing potassium. Adding 1 gram of Epsom salt to the daily infusion can prevent the occurrence of hypomagnesemia.

8. Anti-inflammatory and swelling

Epsom salt has the effect of reducing inflammation and swelling, so 50% Epsom salt solution hot compresses the affected area to reduce swelling.

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