Quietum Plus Reviews

The Quietum Plus is a high quality, durable, and comfortable sleeping mask that is guaranteed to make you feel rested, rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.

The Quietum Plus is a sleeping mask that has been designed with comfort in mind. The mask comes with soft padding on the inside of the headband and it also features Velcro straps that allow you to adjust the fit so that it will fit perfectly around your head.

The Quietum Plus also features a removable strap that allows you to use this mask as either a sleep mask or as a full face mask if you want more coverage. The design of this product makes it easy to wear under your eyes and around your head, making it perfect for all types of sleepers from children to adults who suffer from allergies or breathing disorders such as sleep apnea or snoring problems.

5 out of 5 from 1 reviews

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