The cuisine that we choose to consume should give us all of the essential vitamins to assist in the necessary functions of our bodies. Foods such as carrots, peaches, mangoes, parsley, tomatoes, apricots and spinach all contain Vitamin A. Eye Luminous This vitamin minimizes oil production and aids in tissue repair. Oranges have Vitamin C, an antioxidant which helps to flush toxins out of your system. Zinc is another common antioxidant that can be found in foods such as pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, whole grains and brewers yeast. Dietary choices such as fish, meat, liver, eggs, whole grains, peanuts, avocados and leafy green vegetables all have Vitamin B complexes. Making sure to include Eye Luminous Vitamin B complexes in your healthy skin diet helps to maintain skin tone and has the additional benefit of reducing stress. A complete diet that contains a full range of vitamins and antioxidants will help to make your skin look and feel much better.