How long are we going to crawl on the floor

New York, NY, 10012
viliamine pk

So will we but men! How long are we going to crawl on the floor and admire stone and wood? How long will we continue to play? And if only we had played! In reality, however, we give even award our own salvation. And as the children proficient received blows when they use their time on such things and above neglect learning, so also we will  virtnext be once punished hard if we focus all our thoughts and aspirations on these things, and when we have to have any deeds if one asks us to show how we practiced the received divine teachings in practice. From this obligation, no one is excluded, no father, no brother, no one ever did. However, all this is over, however, the judgment we deserve ourselves to remain forever. The same is synonymous with the children of the case when the father if her levity last smashes her toys and she brings so cry that will never end. But so you can see that the thing really is so, I will cite the wealth as an example, the yes appears as the most desirable of all things, and wants to face him any spiritual virtue.

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