Macarthur Anglican School

605 Cobbitty Road, Cobbitty, 2570

Macarthur is a Christian School and as such it is the School's intention and desire that the values underpinning all that is done in this community are inspired by, can be found within and are expressed throughout the Bible.

Macarthur is located in Cobbitty, in semi-rural south-western Sydney, about 50 minutes from Sydney Airport and just one hour from the Sydney CBD. Macarthur has an extensive 85 acre site. An ongoing building programme ensures that students are educated in facilities that are outstanding in their design and function. Classrooms are modern, well-lit and air-conditioned.

New classrooms were constructed in 2010 to house Year 5 and Year 6. In addition, a multipurpose centre was built adjacent to the St Paul's classroom block. An extension to the Stoddart Centre now houses the Cramner meeting room and Senior Students Study.

Each week students learn more about the love of God demonstrated in Jesus Christ for them through Chapels, Biblical Studies lessons and through the work done in tutor Groups and classes. They are also able to be involved in Christian groups like Oasis and JAM and in weekly bible studies.

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