All Dec Ceiling & Wall Specialists
150 Eastleigh Pl, Mount Helena, WA 6082
(08) 9572 2767
Clare Kruber
All Dec Ceiling & Wall Specialists is one of the best sagging ceiling repair company in Perth, WA. Our team demonstrates insight & vision, providing proven results in contemporary and traditional interiors.We are dedicated to helping you to make the most of your space & guarantee to use only top quality materials from long established Australian suppliers and use named manufacturers. We are also Ceiling & Wall Contractor in Perth. Fore more information contact with us or visit our website.
5.00 out of 5 from 1 reviews

I have called All Dec Ceiling & Wall Specialists for my office renovation. They listened to my needs and they built my dream office. Exactly what I wanted! I was very impressed with their services.I highly recommended this place.