David's Hot Pot Point Cook
Hot Pot came from the hot pot’s hometown, which is famous for Sichuan Hot Pot.
David’s Hot Pot has more than 15 years of experience in operating hot pot
restaurants overseas. In 2017, we brought David’s Hot Pot to Melbourne. And we
open two new hotpot restaurants in Doncaster East and Point Cook in 2020.
Hot Pot in Melbourne combines traditional Sichuan ingredients with premium
Australian beef tallow, to provide an exciting variety of soup bases. We’ve
partnered with Australian farms to ensure absolute freshness and quality for
all of their ingredients. A bucket-list dining experience in Melbourne for both
those familiar with Sichuan cuisine, and also for those wanting to try
something new. We would like to be the most authentic Sichuan hot pot selection
in Melbourne, and we will be the famous best Chinese hot pot in Melbourne