Rouse Hill Women's Health Physio

4-7 Commercial Rd, Rouse Hill, NSW 2155
0439 482 721

Rouse Hill Women's Health Physio is based in the Hills suburb of Rouse Hill, NSW and offers a unique integration of Physio and Pilates - Mat and Rehabilitation Pilates. We specialise in Women's Health, and love supporting women of all life stages. We can assist with the following: * Pregnancy related musculoskeletal conditions, including: Neck and shoulder pain related to Postural Dysfunction; Pelvic Girdle Pain: Pelvic girdle pain including sacroiliac joint (SIJ) or Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction; Low back pain; Hip pain; Wrist pain/over-use injuries incl. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and DeQuervains Tenosynovitis. * Pregnancy physio: Birth preparation including perineal massage, birth positions, education * Abdominal Separation (rectus diastasis, diastasis recti) you may experience during or following pregnancy * Incontinence: Stress urinary incontinence, over-active bladder, urge incontinence or urgency * Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Cystocele (anterior prolapse), Uterine Prolapse, Rectocele (Posterior prolapse), Enterocele prolapse * Bowel related conditions including constipation, urgency, anal pain such as spasms and more * Pelvic floor dysfunction: Over-active pelvic floor or under-active pelvic floor, hyper-sensitive pelvic floor * Pelvic floor pain: Painful intercourse, pain with inserting a tampon * Exercise during and following pregnancy

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