Personal Endeavour Coaching

??I currently offer 3 Coaching packages: 1 to 1 Coaching, Resilience Coaching and "Strategic Conversations".

?1 to 1 Coaching
This can be face to face, by phone and video chat. Sessions are typically 60 minutes in length with the final 10-15 minutes working on some outcomes/actions to undertake using the GROW Coaching model.

?Resilience Coaching
The Resilience package comprises an initial 90 minute session where we discuss the results from the Questionnaire that was issued previously (or it can be completed during the initial session).

After discussing the results and identifying the areas to focus, we can agree on the correct approach to adopt.The Coachee will also have 12 months access to online resources which can be used daily.

Strategic Conversations
The “Strategic Conversations” package is a unique one off one which takes place in a compressed time scale of 60 minutes, I`ll bring a template (with copies) of the 12 steps involved which we will work through during the session. This can be done 1 to 1 or over the phone (I can email the Templates).This is a “one off” session but a follow up session can be organised upon request.

 I am available for a free phone consultancy on 0450 854 098 Monday to Thursday 7-9pm (Sydney time) and i promise not to bore you or state the glaringly obvious.

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