right now like to have their accents in my head I have their fashion choices
and I had I have just the whole drama scheme in my head right now I do think
that CW is a CW show in CW definitely knows what they're doing when it comes to
kind of like the teen dramas I ask because this show really reminds me of ant
retirees Lake aloft this color is turning out tube always a blue worker on my
eyes I feel like that it looks at him and ask you guys can tell it looks more
like namely derma promedics on my eyes fresh really clean rising closer I’m sorry k hope that
the better for you guys can you see what's going on more so I'm hauling in the
pink to kind overlap the blue really going to offer gene which is this dark
great her all and take that I into the crease mean they were just getting that
rehear the outer crease not bringing it into