Massage Specialists Directory
Massage Specialists Directory is an open network of qualified massage therapists that provide mobile massage services - in home, workplace, hotel, hospital, and events. The Massage Specialists network provides an online booking platform to connect customers with Massage Providers on the Gold Coast and Brisbane.
All massage therapists within the network are insured and hold a Certificate/ Diploma/ Degree in their chosen massage fields. Within the network you can search for therapists that offer Health Rebates enabling customers looking to claim their massages through their Health Fund easier.
The Massage Specialists network makes it easier and more convenient for customers to book massages online. Customers can search for a therapist in their location, view availability and book a massage within seconds.
Note: All massage providers a part of the Massage Specialists Network are independent sole traders and responsible for all appointments they are available and booked for. All bookings are subject to Massage Providers availability.