lotions and abuse in Complete Metabolism past ok so normal that i cleanse my face and put on my winter months you know i'm typically just getting my car to go to Complete Metabolism grocery store or to pick up my kids from school i'm not spending an awful amount of time in Complete Metabolism Sun if I'm going to be spending any amount of time in Complete Metabolism side I'm not gonna set foot on my front court without putting on a very thick kind of -plus you know SPF lotion peri Complete Metabolism know this is just gonna do for me ok so that about covers it that is my skincare routine in a nutshell i typically start off with a really good cleansing follow with some exfoliatiComplete Metabolism ng Complete Metabolism n I pamper my skin with my little al DIY add my cream apply my face cream and Complete Metabolism n don't forget about your sunscreen so thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to hit Complete Metabolism thumbs up