otherwise shipping is free. They claim to offer Neurocell day money back guarantee but don’t count on it, I have rarely seen a supplement website actually live up to their promises when it comes to returning money. With that said, the price is reasonable and considering that it’s a straight up buy with no strings attached, if you have the budget then why be a legitimate product that may be effective by simply reviewing the list of ingredients. Considering their terms and purchase process I believe the official website could perhaps be legitimate have tried to avoid these brain supplements for some time but I have to admit that they intrigued me and when I received an email advertising help myself anymore. I have taken supplements in the past for weight loss and for a number of other reasons but it just seemed absurd that a supplement could help improve my memory and the course, before I started researching this product I wanted to see if there are others out there like it. Though I have received emails in the past advertising other similar products I had no idea there were so many. My experience with supplements tells me that more than half of them are scams, and perhaps this will give me the opportunity to determine whether scam >>>>>>>>>