Pro Skin Therapy is a wrinkle reduction and prevention solution that, with regular use, is claimed to help decrease fine lines and wrinkles, increase skin hydration, fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, and dark Skin Therapy is also claimed to work at the cellular level to repair and restore the skin’s epidermis, and to improve visible texture and tone by increasing collagen and elastin production .In order to accomplish this, the manufacturer claims that Pro Skin Therapy is Juvacell formulated with active ingredients that work symbiotically to help reduce and prevent the appearance of visible signs of aging.” But once you clear away all the marketing hype, is this really the case? Can Skin Therapy help you look younger and provide a good value for your money? Consider the following:First and foremost, Skin Therapy is part of a growing trend of anti-aging products sold only through free trials. In fact, the trend has become so widespread that we wrote an in-depth article about the situation titled Exposing the Widespread Scam of Anti-Aging Products & Free Trials.