It. The other place they mention these are on the conditions web page. These tell you some interesting reasons the sale and the cost. The $4.95 you pay while signing up is only the handling and distribution cost. Do not think this is the only expense of the analyze. You get to try it for 14 periods. This is from when you sign up and not when you get it in your hand. If you do not comprise the thoughts and cancel it you get charged again. This time you are charged $105. This $105 plus the distribution or $109.95 is the actual expense of this complement. Your troubles do not end with this cost. You also get Urogenx enrolled into a monthly auto distribution membership at top dollar. What this indicates is that you will keep getting a new provide of Urogenx every 30 periods and will be charged $109.95 for it. This will go on until you cancel your membership. Is Urogenx Test Offer Scam? Urogenx is an overpriced analyze. It does not create the conditions of the sale and the cost clear upfront. You will have to look carefully to know what you are signing up for.