Health Care
Alkatone Keto Diet the remaining acids fats are stored in the
fat cells and that's where they start problems you must know that once these
fatty acids return to the cells of fat to be set aside combine with two other
fatty acids it is a molecule of glycerol to create what we call triglycerides
in proportion the triglycerides are a lot large and due to the size does not
they can come out of fat cells how do free fatty acids for this reason these
triglycerides they remain trapped in the cells of fat and cannot be used as
energy then these triglycerides yes they transform into body fat and obstinate
of which it hardly exists free but here is the solution those triglycerides can
be attacked you were transformed into fatty acids that we can then burn as
energy for the body when we go down these triglycerides and a bit how to put
propellant for rays in the tank of the fuel these split triglycerides flood the
body of an excellent energy source that he really loves to burn but only if the
body he was first prepared to burn that fat what happens with weight loss.