Ketozin The
lipolytic agents increases the body's lipolysis and helps in burning fat as
fuel and eventually cause the fat cells to shrink, giving you a leaner body.
Caffeine, yohimbe, forskolin, and HCA (hydroxycitric acid, an extract from the
fruit of garcinia cambogia) are some of the active ingredients of lypolytic
agents. Stimulants Stimulants can come in the form of caffeine anhydrous
(fights fatigue, burns more calories and fat, enhances mood, reduces hunger,
and even boosts muscle strength), caffeine from green tea extract (the active ingredient,
epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, increases Garcinia Pro Carrot the amount of calories burned),
synephrine (bitter orange extract that also leads to more calories burned),
capsaicin (natural chemical from cayenne peppers), or guarana (its chemical
name is known as methylxanthine).
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