
Rosegal Rosegal, Nyarrin, VIC 10012
deni denile

Rosegal   dye like I literally went of the day so I'm going to do a rainbow wig and I bought like 6 bucks of the color and I spent close to 70 dollars and that was with discounts I'm trying to squeeze it's got to be glued out and I use the yellow got to be glued so it's not glue it's a styling gel but it's super hold but I am NOT sitting on a stocking cap because to be honest I don't like how you can see the line with the stocking cap and I haven't had any issues with my edges tearing off or in or anything like that because I don't really do a lot with my hair once I lay the weight down so it's not like I'm manipulating the wig or pulling on it and tugging on my edges or anything I literally just put the wig on and then I let it stay for like three or four days and then I rinse it off with warm water so that's the thing you can't just be pulling your leg off okay y'all you definitely have to soak it off or wash it off Aiko wash it off okay so I'm gonna let this go ahead and dry I already got my curling iron hooked up I always get ax of question people always ask me because

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