Number One Keto
3527 Jewell Road Minneapolis, MN 55406, Minnesota, 55406
Sure enough, the woman commences to be skinny again. The only problem is, this time the weight loss is followed by this little voice inside her head that says things... like... french fries. Ice cream. She's getting cravings and she commences to question her own will power. After a few days of fighting against those little voices, she gets back on the scale and realizes she has hit the second plateau. She eventually just gives up. She gives in to temptation and although she intends to just "have a taste," her craving consumes her and she falls off the wagon hard. She eats everything that she depreived herself of and as a result, she gains more weight back than she lost to begin with. That's not the worst of it. The truly sad thing is she blames herself as the reason. That's not true though.
5 out of 5 from 1 reviews