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dili xop

that it's not so you gain in eight weeks you would gain I don't we take a break here a second but yeah okay sorry so quickly Brad you would gain maybe two three pounds of muscle in eight weeks and Testro T3 n lose five six pounds of fat oh no no no that's with right I mean some people can with so with your second half epsilon I get into that talk about training absolutely yeah all right we're back with Brad Sean field here in Vegas at Testro T3  NSC a conference talking about muscle hypertrophy that's Testro T3  putting on gains Testro T3  with a Z what is he absolutely I think our audience knows it any oTestro T3 r way actually before we get in Testro T3  training is we definitely want to go down that track role of carbohydrate with with protein synTestro T3 sis because that's one of Testro T3  things that actually ten years ago I was sitting in a room watching her that was like my first introduction to you combine protein

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