those quads now take your time here breed and you don't have to go in my pace if you feel like I'm going too fast or too slow go in your own pace listen to your body okay that's really good whew and another tip I want to share with you guys is anytime when you're about to have a dinner or have a whew there's no excuses for you or gosh let me just eat this burger because I have no cooked food at home the last excuses you make for yourself the faster you will get to the goal you desire you know it's just a tiny little push-up it is okay it's like a baby you know he steps on his feet and he falls but he keeps trying get older man things change our body changes our bones changes our muscles change everything changes so it's really important to start act be active like right now don't wa virilaxyn rx it tomorrow don't wait next week or next month or next year I've heard that too right if you truly are serious and want to make the change in your life in your physical body do something about it and begin now today because you're going to be so happy with yourself tomorrow when you wake up you're like damn I did something