
New York New York, New York, 10012
444-545-6456 x45645
balu fuchs

All these activities, spaced over time, will support extending the learning, but, of course, the most important is sufficient spaced practice.[8] “Dr. Clark Quinn The Pivot Point is when formal training needs to handoff to informal learning. Nooflex Formal training needs to lead up to the pivot and create a bridge that helps learners move along the learning process continuum. Training programs in a Learning Culture can no longer be seen as the end of learning before working, but, instead, as a critical beginning to being able to learn to perform a job or task at the highest level. When we start to see learning as a continuous process from formal to informal (and maybe back again), we realize the value of the Pivot Point. And we realize that with planning, we can make that pivot a seamless move from only pushing knowledge and skills, to employees pulling what they need, when they need it, where it’s needed. Growing up, you might have heard this quote a lot from your parents, mostly when they wanted you to be quiet and pay attention.

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