
down town karcahi NY, Nyah West, VIC 10012
myrtle ansari

Perlelux As explained above, selenium exhibits antioxidant properties and prevents cellular damage. In the absence of antioxidant minerals like selenium, free radicals generated during oxygen metabolism can create havoc in the body. Selenium stimulates glutathione, another antioxidant in the body. Selenoproteins help strengthen the cellular structure of the body. Selenium helps prevent poisonous effects of certain toxic substances and heavy metals on the body. It enhances production of sperms and thus helps prevent infertility problems, especially in men. It improves heart health and overall health of an individual. It works great for inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. Recommended dietary intake of selenium varies according to the age. Adults need about 55 µg selenium per day while pregnant and lactating women may need 60 - 70 µg/day. Selenium deficiency does not directly cause any illness but it increases the chances of development of various diseases and disorders. Consumption of sufficient vitamin C is essential for proper absorption of selenium and for normal levels of selenium in the body. Asparagus, spinach, wheat bran, mushrooms, tuna, beef, spaghetti, cod, turkey, chicken breast, cottage cheese, oatmeal, clams, lamb, etc. are good sources of selenium. Corn, wheat and soybean etc. are good sources of selenomethionine. Consumption of these foods helps store selenium in organs and tissues. Selenium Benefits for Skin From the above information, it is clear that selenium helps prevent various diseases and disorders, including skin diseases. Development of any kind of disease in the body affects the tone and texture of your skin. Therefore it is said that your skin reflects your health. Only a healthy (and happy) person enjoys a glowing smooth skin. Antioxidant minerals can actually offer supple, spotless skin. As selenium improves heart health, improved blood circulation leads to improved color and texture of your skin. Since effects of toxic substances are canceled by this mineral, you are able to retain the skin quality. Many times, dandruff leads to outburst of acne. Sufficient supply of selenium through diet helps get rid of dandruff. The mineral not only prevents acne but it also prevents skin cancer. As it promotes protein metabolism, it helps strengthen the immune system, or rather strengthens each and every cell in the body. It promotes absorption of vitamin E and enhances the antioxidant function of vitamin E which is mainly stored in the skin. This effect is reflected through a glowing skin. Everybody knows that iodine plays an important role in thyroid function.

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