Apex Booty

Nyabing, WA 10012
czwz noop

panties. Booty Pop are panties that ever so subtly give your behind a little extra lift and shape. They aren't made to misrepresent what is already there. Booty Pop panties just give what you already have a bit more, well, pop. Booty Pop panties were the brainchild of college friends Susan Bloomstone and Lisa Reisler. They realized that, even though women had spent years trying to minimize their behinds thr 

Apex Booty ough girdles and other inhibiting clothing, the tide was turning back towards embracing a fuller figure. Part of their inspiration came after hearing about the rising rate of buttock implant surgeries. They realized women wanted to look more like the celebrities out there who were being celebrated for their bootylicious qualities. Bloomstone and Reisler wanted to offer a safer, less expensive, and more

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