ProNatural Probiotics
Brown bread may be good for you if you have a normal healthy gut, but if it is sensitive you may have to balance the pr ProNatural Probiotics os and cons depending on how bad it makes you feel.’ Thanks to diets such as Duran or Atkins, we tend to think of bread as ‘bad’ under these regimens you either cut out or dramatically reduce your intake to help put the body into a state of ketosis in which it burns fat for energy. But the tide may be turning. According to a new book, The Crab Lover’s Diet (which this year topped the New York Times bestsellers list) bread specifically whole meal can actually help you lose weight. ‘Studies show that resistant starch can help curb cravings, control blood sugar levels and boost metabolism,’ say the authors. Resistant starch is a compound found in whole meal and rye breads as well as foods such as lentils, oats and potatoes. Unlike other foods it’s not absorbed into the bloodstream and instead is digested slowly — reportedly keeping you fuller for longer. Dietitian Helen Bond says there could be some truth in this. ‘Resistant starch is digested in the large intestine, meaning it provides a slow steady release of fuel. Cut it out and you often find you’re flagging and more likely to crave a snack.