Sheer NO

beta-carotene) to move around comfortably in non-fat environments (like our water-based bloodstream). They can also make it easier for fat-soluble substances to get absorbed from our digestive tract. Among several studies that have shown the benefits of a fat-containing meal for absorption of beta-carotene from foods sweet potatoes, one study has shown that stir-frying in oil is one specific cook Sheer NO 's interesting to note that the sweet potato stir-fry in this study used a very low stir-frying temperature of 200°F (93°C) and that only 5 minutes of stir-frying were required to achieve the beta-carotene bioavailability benefits. While we recognize boiling and stir-frying as viable options for cooking sweet potatoes, we recommend Healthy Steaming of sweet potatoes for maximum nutrition and flavor. Our basic logic here is simple. It's easily possible to add a small amount of fat (like a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil

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