Table 4 shows the data from dietary records of food selected to complete the class by the case of the treatment. Table 5 shows the intake of vegetables in the cup, according to a hierarchical mode [32], and treatment BIO X4 of pre-school group, for the first time with a number of vegetable juices, followed by any vegetable juice, as part of the total vegetable consumption. Calculated unadjusted general linear model range in search of interaction time between the completions of food records first. As shown in Tables 4 and 5 groups consume vegetable juice increased the amount of vitamin C (F = 6.5, P <0.001) and potassium (F = 3.9, P <0.002), and vegetables (F = 4.3, P = 0.003) with the passage of time compared with those who did not consume juice.
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