Pura Bella

Pura Bella

actually is the most like a finishingproducts Austria I when did you take this security havepowder on our face undertake this powder NARSalbatross and normally I and i wanna be using that really coolthink my brush for this highlight but I told you about the 45 I think 35 listen to you this guy we've already is this controversial riskand defend really gentle and omnicom on the outside here Creteil on my cheek than and my nose chain him okay yep and then and I show you guys how I use the products from Mac which I'm obsessed with they're like supposed to be highlighters theso-called light get paid this on think it's called softand gentle I'm is a soft and gentle I'm it put iton this crazy bananas brush that came from the cheap polyp but you can predominantly inrussia's like a just substandard whatever reason to puton your powder that's fine so I like to just start on my cheeks and then I literally everywhere I feel like it gives this clear kindaand cohesiveness dolly I'm so this is my father's face for now anotherstrikeout and I will 

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