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The right of mothers to breastfeed (Kent, 2006: 1). The problem is that faced with mothers living with HIV now with a difficult decision on how to feed their children. Counseling and support for breast-feeding exclusively is very important. Current research in South Africa indicates that KwaZulu-Natal is the province with the highest miracle bust reviews of infection with HIV among attendees clinic prenatal rate (avoid HIV and AIDS for 2007: 1). And others. (1997: 1627) found that infants who were exclusively formula-fed had lower HIV to infants that received the transmission rates of breast-feeding rate. On the other hand, breastfeeding, and the replacement of the child is not Miracle Bust feed with HIV and has been associated with similar mortality rates at 18 months (Rollins et al. 2008: 2349). In light of the recommendation of the World Health Organization that women with HIV should breastfeed their babies


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