Vital Nutra

viral (herpes simplex), fungal (cryptococcosis and paracoccidioidomycosis), parasitic helminth infestation (ascaridiasis, taeniasis and strongyloidiasis) and by protozoa (isosporiasis and cryptosporidiosis). Note rare meeting of these two protozoa at autopsy, although they are common pathogens in HIV positive patients. Vital Nutra  This fact is probably due to autolysis that occurs in the digestive system in autopsy material, making it difficult to notice parasites infecting mucosal surface, as also happens and H. pylori infection, a difficulty reported by other authors in autopsy studies5,11. Leishmania was not noted in this study. The two infectious agents that could be misdiagnosed as Leishmania were Toxoplasma gondii and Histoplasma capsulatum. Both these agents were confirmed by special techniques: immunohistochemistry for Toxoplasma gondii and Grocott stain for Histoplasma capsulatum. Moreover, Uberaba is not an endemic area for leishmaniasis, which occurs as an endemic disease in other regions 

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