Nitrobuild Plus

syndrome) diet. It’s very restrictive, avoiding all grain, starchy vegetables and most sugars, focusing instead on healing foods such as bone broths, and I have seen some phenomenal results. Add a little salt. Low levels of stomach acid are behind many of the gut problems we see. High-quality unprocessed sea salt, such as Himalayan salt, will not only provide you and the chloride your body needs to make hydrochloric acid, it also contains more than 80 trace minerals necessary for optimum biochemical performance. Sauerkraut or cabbage juice is also a strong – if not the strongest – stimulant for your body to produce stomach acid. Having a few teaspoons of cabbage juice before eating – or better yet, fermented cabbage juice from sauerkraut – will do wonders to improv 

Nitrobuild Plus e your digestion. All our bodily functions, we probably focus more on our digestive system than any other. I’m sure one reason for this is that we have plenty of opportunities to ‘touch base’ and our digestive tract and take a reading. After all, you get signals from your digestive system all day long – everything from “feed me!” to “could you loosen the belt a little? “To “air coming’ your Robotics!” Your digestive system has a Robotics of speaking up and has a lot to say about what you put in it… as well as how much and how often. Many of us eat too much or eat too fast. We don’t eat enough fiber. We skip meals – and then subject our 
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