The next step was to send the survey electronically to a outlined list of health and fitness professionals Vitapulse (n = 26,ninety threethree) using Survey Monkey ( ). This list included current ACSM-certified professionals, ACSM Alliance members, nonmember ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® subscribers, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® Associate Editors, and ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal® Editorial Board members.|With a vary of healthy diet and nutrition choices at retreats around the globe, healthy foodies can opt for tailor-made Vitapulse wellness meal plans, together with alkaline, Ayurvedic, Macrobiotic or raw food diets. Taking personalised fitness coaching to a whole new level, the emerging science of DNA fitness testing reveals an insight into your genetic makeup and the acceptable coaching response for your body. Through pre-arrival DNA analysis, fitness holiday programmes will then be tailored to your physical ability and desires. The health and fitness trade should apply this data to its own distinctive settings.