Celine Ageless

New York New York, Nyarrin, VIC 10012

  To make a larger batch of Apricot Scrub for a group: Peel and mash 2 apricots. Mix with 4 tablespoons of almond meal and 4 tablespoons of cream. Makes enough for 4 people. Substitute yogurt for the cream if using for Celine Ageless oily skin. 3. Chocolate Coconut Scrub Suitable for all skin types (except sensitive) Reminiscent of a popular candy bar, this scrub is a treat for the senses. Ingredients 1 1/2 teaspoons dried coconut, ground into fine powder (use a coffee grinder) 1 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder 1 1/2 teaspoon jojoba or olive oil (or water or apple cider vinegar – especially for oily skin) 


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