the risk of prostate cancer: Diet: Eat meals that are nutritious. Refer to the
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. What is good for the heart is good for the
prostate. Physical activity/exercise: There is some evidence to show that
physical activity and regular exercise can be protective factors for cancer.
Try to exercise at least 30 minutes of a day. What is the prostate? The
prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system, and exists
directly under the bladder, in front of the rectum. An exocrine gland is one
whose secretions end up outside the body e.g. prostate gland and sweat glands.
It is approximately the size of a walnut. male urinary system diagram Diagram
of the location of the prostate gland and nearby organs The urethra - a tube
that goes from the Prostrate bladder to the end of the penis and carries urine and semen
out of the body - goes through the prostate. There are thousands of tiny glands
in the prostate - they all produce a fluid that forms part of the semen. This
fluid also protects and nourishes the sperm. W Prostacet Review hen a male has an orgasm the
seminal-vesicles secrete a milky liquid in which the semen travels. The liquid
is produced in the prostate gland, while the sperm is kept and produced in the