
But knowing the names of the nerves in order often leaves much to be desired in understanding what the nerves do. The nerves can be categorized by functions, and subtests of the cranial nerve exam can clarify these functional groupings. Three of the nerves are strictly responsible for special senses whereas four others  Inteligen contain fibers for special and general senses. Three nerves are connected to the extraocular muscles resulting in the control of gaze. Four nerves connect to muscles of the face, oral cavity, and pharynx, controlling facial expressions, mastication, swallowing, and speech. Four nerves make up the cranial component of the parasympathetic

Inteligen can support the cell-to-cell communication between neurons so you can boost your intelligence and focus better.. >>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.dermayouth.org/inteligen-advanced-brain-formula 

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