HL12 HL12 pancreas or else you 0can make a powder of dried fees of 0jumbled fruit and have this powder with 0water twice a day indian blackberry are 0jamun is native to india and its neighboring countries but you can find it in Asian markets and also in horrible shop HL12 seeds contain HL12 glucose I'd 0Jambor line which prevents HL12 conversion of starch into sugar and this benefits by controlling blood sugar levels HL12 y also contains many 0flavonoids phenols and are rich in protein and calcium it is very good source of keratin iron folic acid calcium potassium magnesium and 0phosphorus cautions for pregnant women few people advise pregnant women to avoid eating jamun as it will result in baby skin getting stained with small dark patches in HL12 womb however HL12 re is no clinical version to support this claim HL12 re is no harm absolutely for pregnant women to eat 0eight to ten black lumps in a day top HL12 Supplement