Slim HCA

4469 Airplane Avenue Middletown, CT 06457 4469 Airplane Avenue Middletown, CT 06457, New York, 10012
Ooyyee Pathra

Slim HCA was recently commissioned by the required investigation intellectual capacity in a large number of participants to assess (about 300) by a series of tasks that must be encouraged to improve that capability (experimental group disbanded for three weeks (training)) or be irrelevant to improve (the control group) according to previous studies. Slim HCA is known that the first tasks for the name of the working memory, while the second is based on the answer quickly. Former cognitively complex, while the latter is very simple.



After the training phase changes in the experimental group and control all functions (memory and speed work) showed a significant improvement group considered in all cases. That is, the experimental group showed much better to say working memory tasks three weeks of training performance. Significant improvements have also been observed in simple tasks, which seized control group and responsive control.

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