Hearing Aid Specialists
Shop T12A, 81 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide Melbourne St, SA 5006
08 8267 2555
(08) 8239 2299
North Adelaide Village Shoppin
Hearing Aid Specialists SA will provide a "no obligation" free trial for 30 days. If you are not completely satisfied within the trial period, they can be returned at no cost.
Hearing Assessments and evaluations for:
1. Pensioners, Private Clients, DVA Veterans, Pre-employment
2. Supply and fitting of the most current hearing aid technology
3. 30 day free trial
4. Competitive Prices (health fund rebates apply)
5. Free digital hearing aids for Pensioners and Veterans
6. Hearing aid repairs and batteries supplies
7. Ongoing rehabilitation and support
8. Custom made earplugs (musicians, swimming, noise)
9. Communication earplugs (motorcycling, racing, Ipods)
10. Alternative listening devices ( for TV, etc)
5 out of 5 from 1 reviews