Splendid Care
Welcome to Splendid Care. We are your trusted partner, offering top-notch disability support services in Melbourne. Our team is qualified, trained and possess great skills to deliver exceptional results. For us, the participants are the top priority. We listen to their needs and, based on that, come up with the best plan to offer exceptional results.
The team of Splendid Care understands the importance of selecting renowned disability services providers with a high success rate, as they can have a positive impact on the participants' lives. We are proud to provide outstanding services and support. Our dedication to excellence and a comprehensive selection of services sets us apart as the leading choice.
Kind Of Services We Offer
We are an NDIS registered provider in Melbourne and specialise in offering a wide range of services such as:
Accommodation & Tenancy
Assist Life Stage Transition
Assist Personal Activities
Assist Travel & Transport
Community Nursing Care
Daily Tasks & Shared Living
Innov Community Participation
Development Life Skills
Household Tasks
Participate Community
Group & Centre Activities
To hire our team, call us now. If you want to know more or clarify your doubts, feel free to send an email, and we will reply soon. Your search for a trusted NDIS provider in Melbourne ends here.
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