I'm so I’m talking Procure more pro more money for them each probe page two hundred dollars a year to be a pro each amateur we pay about a I think it’s now year that's been amateur bodybuilder on somebody willing to me about it sport it’s something you enjoy it so hard because you'll get paid during you better be a great marketer are you better be the top five in the world for to be a spore sport something for you know pro sport you get paid to-do you no problem when you get paid to do my shirt Testerect off I'm a country in sponsors pay she ate you loll liar you’re out Jurassic realign piece a shit you take the budget book and drugs there's no family you're addicted touching steroids your dick to the growth hormone and you have no life got me going. darn happy traveling every week to get paid a thousand dollars your guest posing apparently not happy on the road how to grab chicken breast at your grocery .