kahrim Abdul Company Limited
We are professional supplier of research chemicals of 99.95% pure and supplier worldwide. Our product is the best you can fine around we supply following products below.
Mephedrone 4mmc MDPV MDMA crystals 3-MMC 5fur-114 Ur-114 methedrone Methylone (bk-MDMA) Methoxetamine 4-MEC jwh-210 JWH-203 jwh-122 AM 2201 AM2202 am1220 uR-144 4-FMA A-PVP Mppp Cannabis PB-22, 5F-PB22, 5F-UR144, AKB48,5F-AKB48 BZ-6378 3MMC Crystal Butylone crystal pentedrone 5F-BB22
we do supply others products upon request if you need. We offer the most reliable transaction and sell at very affordable prices.
For more information regarding our products Email: kahrimabdul@gmail.com, Text: (203) 679 1134