Best Doctors Network - elpaso
2727 Wyoming Ave, El Paso, TX 79903, USA, texas, 79903
(915) 595-6121
Best Doctors Network is such a Workers’
compensation healthcare network that has handled several cases of workers
compensation claims and provided the best medical care for the injured
employees. workers’ compensation claims include
doctor/clinic visits, diagnostic tests, physical therapy, and other treatment
procedures based on the nature of injury and required for complete recovery.Our
doctors team specializing in the following fields:
- Physiatrist (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)
- Work conditioning/hardening programs
- Laboratory and screening tests
- Pain in the back Therapy
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and many other
- Osteoarthritis Knee Discomfort Procedure
- Occupational Carpal Passage Therapy
- Automobile accident related injury
- Independent Medical Examinations
- And many more doctors specializing in other fields
more information contact us (915) 595-6121 visit site:
5 out of 5 from 1 reviews