difficulties Think about any problem a few minutes and it will be next to you Think about it for several hours and she starts to suck you If youre going to think the whole day it paralyzes you You can think about the problem but as a rule it may have no effect Her "weight" is not reduced Handle the problem allows Neuroflexyn only the action Solve it or set it aside It makes no sense to wear my heart heavy stones that paralyze you Read more ( lines) · Translate Anatoly Kotlyarenkos profile photoVera Zaretsers profile photoSergey Yakovlevs profile photoKsynya Os profile photo comments Oksana Zaytseva: AM How well said! Translate Add a comment Helen Vasiukova Health - : AM Be Healthy! originally shared: The most useful "WINTER" products to enhance immunity In winter the human immune system is highly vulnerable Lack of vitamins and viruses have a negative impact on the human body To strengthen the