Lifeforce T-Boost

New York, 10012
Kiera Francis

Although large supplement companies, and even safe your "bros" the gym, you have said that overtraining post nutrition is the most important of the day, what they choose to ignore or not know is that the food you eat before exercise has not even finished your digestion in the moment when, after finishing your workout, you go to your car where you took your whipped protein.


The post-workout meal is vital because it causes an elevation or insulin spike after eating carbohydrates proteins more after vigorous training routine, however this will not change what is already going through your digestive system (your important meal of pre-training, which will still digesting). Also you should

Lifeforce T-Boost avoid going to the gym without having eaten, but have in mind beberte your whipped protein with fast-acting carbohydrates or eat more in your post-workout to achieve higher peak insulin.


And just to clarify, for pre-workout meal, I am not referring to a creatine drink caffeinated. I'm talking about a real meal, about an hour and a half before getting to the gym.

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