That how good it and also
That how good it and also telling you that you
can die from liver cancer if you take it or whatever well let's break it down Humeral I'm gonna call if you marry because at a loom and is just a mouthful is a tumor
necrosis factor inhibitor it's a tumor necrosis factor inhibitor get inhibits
something called tumor necrosis factor that's how it works now while inquiring minds want to know what the heck is touring the grosses factor well touring
across this factories a natural part above the body's immune system and the
body has a very complex police force it's called the immune system and you know
they've got detectives and they've got the cops walking the beat and they've got
the cops in the patrol car and it got the swat teams and they've got the
undercover agents and they've got the people that work in Justin you know the
weird is it weather the weird crimes right both no different in the body the body
has a very complex immune system very complex immune system and tumor necrosis
factor is part Bob the bodies very complex immune system the primary role of
tumor necrosis factor is in the regulation have immune cells.