Psychiatrist Dr Soumiya Mudgal's Clinic
8, Siri Fort Rd, Sector 3, Ayurvigyan Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi, 110049
"DR. SOUMIYA MUDGAL is a leading psychiatrist and mental wellness professional that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern day living. She is a renowned psychiatrist, with well qualified and experience, reaches out to help society in areas of mental health awareness & education, support group management, patient diagnosis & treatment, and programs for in-patient care. The ultimate aim of DR. SOUMIYA MUDGAL is to help diminish and eventually eradicate the stigma associated with mental health care and well-being through its resources, and with the support of the community at large. She has been highly acclaimed for treating different types of patients suffering from mental issues and addictions."
5 out of 5 from 1 reviews