Gossip Box
Gossip Box gift boxes are full of South Australian edible goodies as we strongly believe in supporting local business. This is made easier due to the high quality of products made right here on our doorstep and to top it off our gift boxes aren't padded out with filling! That's right they are cramed full of goodies!
We offer a box full of treats that is sure to be enjoyed. Our range of gifts come in boxes that you or your clients will want to keep - just to be reminded of the experience. Once you've had the pleasure we have no doubt you'll be 'gossiping' about our boxes to people you don't even know!
A great gift should be remembered for its uniqueness and usefulness. Don't give a gift that will end up shoved in the back of a drawer. If you find it in the tea room then it often means it is not worth taking home.
"No corporate branded coffee mugs or
boxes half-filled with stuffing."
So go on check out our website for some gift ideas and come back to visit the next time you need to send a gift you'll be remembered for!