
NY, 10012
bikan boy

with you champagne gossamer on a year now got to yeah okay home course I'm usually buying need family support in the decision to get willing to help that he need she’s exhibiting just severe addict behavior are yeah I had my crew they were going through these receipts you know and its chicken breast chicken breast two sizes a pizza I remember some a hundred dollars a week wanted to paid for the food that I have on my program you know it's this green beans sweet peas turkey candy but I haven't this one really beaded to lobby of a leg but then bill chocolate while he's exhibiting true addictive behavior where he's complying with the program the trains running to reward myself with these individual rewards the thinks he can cover up is hiding again and he's lying and he's doing on a daily basis it's very hard because the trust has-been broken and broken I'm sure he gets ticked off at me asking and mountain did you eat fast food can allocate your bank account right now he’s out you about does not even have a credit card.

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